A Quiz is an assessment based on existing learning material (e.g. Vocabulary Lists or Smart Lessons). Quizzes contain a random selection of questions from the content you select.
Students will answer these questions under exam conditions; they will have a time limit and will not see the correct answers until marking is complete.
Click the Assessments tab from your dashboard, and click + Assign. When prompted, choose Quiz.

1. Select classes and students
In the first section, select the class(es) you wish to assign the assessment to.
- Click Assign to specific students to choose individuals rather than an entire class. This allows you to differentiate assigned work.
- If your chosen class isn’t visible, try using the Search Classes bar, or toggle to All Classes. Here you can access all classes that are set up for your school.

2. Set dates
Choose a start and end time and date.
The end date of an assessment is when the last student can start work. When the end date passes, any students who are still in the assessment and have time remaining will be able to continue working

3. Select content
Click Add content to open the content picker, and browse to the content you wish to assign. You can include quiz components from any combination of Smart Lessons, or a mix of options from list-type content.

Click the Confirm Selection button.

Choose specific sections or questions (optional)
If your assessment is based on Smart Lessons, you can exclude specific questions or whole sections from the assessment by clicking Preview. Tick the checkboxes to include or exclude questions.

Choose how many questions to ask students from the pool you’ve created in your selection.
Here you can also choose to Generate a unique assessment for each student and attempt. This will cause each student to be asked different questions, with the same level of difficulty.

In this section, you can specify a time limit. You can give your Quiz a name (students will see this), and give specific instructions.

4. Recommended next steps
Recommended next steps are available for quizzes where content from more than one lesson has been selected in 3. Select content.
You can untick this option(you can also manually assign this work later, if desired), but if switched on, EP automatically recommends individualised follow up activities based on student performance within the test.
For example: If one student scored less than 70% in expanding equations, whereas another student struggled with factorising equations, each would get different work assigned to them.
In these settings, you can:
- Select the due date for the Task that is created.
- Choose to Limit the amount of work, and specify a maximum number of hours or lessons.
Lessons will be automatically assigned to students. Check out our full guide on Recommended Tasks.
Note: If you choose to limit the amount of work, EP will automatically assign areas (where a student scored under the threshold) based on the order that they are laid out within the folder in the Content Library. This overrides other sections that may have lower scores.

5. Options
Here, you can make changes to the additional options available to you.
The first option is to decide how many attempts students will get. This will default to 1, but if you allow multiple, the best attempt will determine a student’s final score.
- Access Code: Codes will only be shown to teachers. Codes will need to be distributed to students to begin the assessment. This can be helpful to stop students from accessing the test until you’re ready.
- Full Screen: This option requires students to stay in full screen mode, and teachers will be notified if students switch to another tab or leave the assessment.

EP will mark anything that it can automatically, but Quizzes with Extended Response type questions will need to be marked by a teacher or you can also choose to have students mark themselves.
Choosing the By Student option allows students to self-mark their work after submission, allowing them to revise and practice self-reflection.
Withhold Student Results allows you to stop students from seeing their scores until you choose to release them.

Due to their self-marking nature, spoken response questions from our Languages Content are automatically filtered out of Quizzes and won’t appear as potential questions for students.
Once the assessment is complete and automatic marking has taken place, you can override any marks.
Additional Tools
Text to speech is switched on by default, while Spell check is switched off. You can turn this on to allow extensions like Grammarly to operate as normal as the student completes the exam. If switched off, these extensions are blocked.

Email notifications
By default, all email notifications are switched off. In this section, you can choose to enable them.
- See an example of the completion summary report here.
- If Email my students about this Assessment is enabled, this email will be sent at the start time of the Assessment, not when you create the Assessment. The email will not provide them with the access code.
- Email my students’ parents about this Assessment will send parents/caregivers a copy of the emails which are sent to students (if we have their email addresses).

Click Assign and you’re all done!
Why can’t I assign a Quiz?
If your chosen class is greyed out when you try to assign work, the class is unlicenced for the subject of the content you are assigning. If that’s incorrect,
contact us and the team will assist you.
Can I edit an Assessment after it’s assigned?
Yes! You can edit the dates and classes assigned, and most of the options you selected. Some things are unable to be edited, like settings for Recommended Next Steps.
Some options will become uneditable after an attempt has been made on the Assessment. An attempt by you, the teacher in your Student Zone will also count as an attempt. If you need to make changes after you have trialed the Assessment, you may need to make a copy and reassign it.
How do I make a copy of a Quiz?
Easily make a copy by clicking the three dots in the top right of an Assessment panel, and then Copy. From there, assign the Assessment as normal, and change whichever details you need! Check out our full guide here.
How can I test Assessments myself, before assigning them to students?
You can test Assessments/Quizzes (and Tasks) by first assigning them to the Staff class. From here, enter your Student Zone, locate the assigned Assessment, and complete it. Full instructions on how to do this can be found here. Once you’re ready, make a copy of the Assessment and assign it to your class(es) as normal.
Can I edit a Quiz after it’s assigned?
Yes! You can edit the dates and classes assigned, and most of the options you selected. Some things are unable to be edited, like settings for Recommended next steps.
Made a mistake? A handy trick is to make a copy of the Quiz and re-assign it with your corrected options. Then, delete the original.
What happens when I enable email notifications?
When you enable emails to be sent to students and/or parents, they will receive an email 2 hours before the Quiz opens. They won’t receive any other emails. Here’s an example of the email students receive:

How can I retrieve a deleted Assessment?
If an Assessment/Quiz (or Task) has been deleted but you need it back, our team can bring it back for you.
Message us and include the name and subject, as well as approximately when it was deleted.