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Creating content on Education Perfect

On EP, teachers can create a wide variety of resources using our powerful content authoring tool. Let’s explore!

In this article

Navigate to the Library tab from your dashboard. This is where all content authoring tools can be found.

Library tab

Ensure that the dropdown at the top is set to your desired subject, and click into either My Content or My Schools Content areas. Click Create new to show the options for creating new content. Click any option to start creating.

create new content

Want to customise existing content? Head over to our guide.

Types of Content

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of content you can create on EP:

Content typeDescriptionClick to view our related resources
Smart Lessons
Smart Lessons are incredibly versatile and can contain different media and question styles.They’re handy for exploring new, detailed topics in the classroom, allow for flexibility and are great to use for in-class tasks or assigning homework.Peer Review is also available!Creating a Smart Lesson
Formatting components in EP Studio
Customising existing content on EP
How do I include Peer Review when Building Lessons?
Effective Smart Lesson Design
Pre-Built Exams
A range of assessment options are available, with different media and question types. Reporting and recommended task options are also included.Use this option for quizzes, tests, and setting formal exams.For Assessments, auto-marking is done automatically where possible, but you’re still given the option of overriding these marks.Creating a Pre-Built Exam
Formatting components in EP Studio
Customising existing content on EP
How do I create and assign a Quiz?
Translation (Vocabulary) List

Translation Lists help students revise their vocabulary.

They contain five learning modes; for example in Italian:
1. Reading mode (Italian text to English text)
2. Listening mode (Spoken Italian to English text)
3. Dictation (Spoken Italian to Italian text)
4. Writing mode (English text to Italian text)
5. Speaking mode (English text to spoken Italian)

You can type out your own information or import it from another list or spreadsheet.
How do I create my own vocabulary list?
How do I split up a vocabulary list?
Customising existing content on EP
Fact List
Fact Lists test technical vocabulary. You can type out your own information or import it from another list or spreadsheet.How do I create Fact Lists?
Spelling List
Spelling Lists test spelling and are exclusive to non-language subjects. Each word is paired with a sentence to give more context. You can type your own set of spelling words or import them from another list or spreadsheet. How do I create Spelling Lists?

Types of Components and Questions

While list-type content is entirely auto-marked and is uniform in style; Smart Lessons and Assessments have a variety of question types available that are either auto-marked or manually marked. 

Check out the detailed breakdown below, and click the headers to visit our detailed component setup guides.

(also called Quiz or Short Answer in EP)

A question is presented and the student must click the correct answer.

A passage of text with one or more words omitted from it is displayed, along with a number of possible answers which need to be dragged into the correct space.
Fill-in-the-Gaps (Textbox)

A passage of text with one or more words omitted from it are displayed. Students must then type the correct word in each space.

Different sections within a passage are highlighted which students are to select based on a question prompt.

Questions are posed on sections of a passage of text. Students are required to select an answer from a list (similar to multi-choice questions). 
This component prompts students to select their answer from a set of dropdown options. This is available as part of the Text component.

The Dropdown component is found under the Information & Media section, but can still be used as an answerable question! See more information here.

 Manually marked
(also called Extended Response, or Long Answer in EP)

Students are asked to write one or more sentences based on a prompt.
Audio Recorder
Students are asked to record a verbal answer to a question.

These are particularly useful for learning and testing pronunciation.
Students are asked to draw something based on a prompt.

Students can also be asked to label an image.
Working Formula questions
(Mostly used for Math and Science)

Students are required to complete an equation and show their work. 
File Uploader

Students can upload a range of file types such as documents, images, videos or audio files as a response to a question.
Information & Media
1. These components are unmarked. Use them to create Information Slides, or to spice up question slides.
2. These components are available for all questions and sections for Smart Lessons and Pre-built Exams.

A basic text box component. 

Can be used for titles, or anything text related!
Image, Video, Audio, PDFThese components allow you to upload your own media, or choose from our existing Media Gallery.
Annotated Text
Use this to introduce your students to a passage of text, and highlight specific parts.
Easily embed resources from external providers.

Find out more here.
Paste a YouTube link into this component to include a video in your slide.

Editing existing content

Customising existing content can be a great starting point, especially if you just want to make small tweaks! 

Any content that you already have access to can be copied and edited – including Official EP content. Find out how to do this here.

Finding and sharing custom content

Custom-built content can be shared with teachers at your school, as well as publicly. You can use the Content Library to find content that other teachers have shared as well. Find out how you can do this in our guide.

Check out our copyright guidelines here.

Next steps

Once you are happy with the resource(s) you have created, you can assign them to your students! Check out our guides for more information:

Retrieving deleted work

Wanting to retrieve a Task, Assessment, or custom-built content that you or someone else deleted? Not to worry – we can bring it back for you!

Contact our support team, and include the following to the best of your ability:

  • The name of the Task or Assessment.
  • The subject of the Task or Assessment.
  • The approximate date or time that it was deleted.
  • The name of the folder that the content was within (if applicable).

Our team will investigate and confirm this with you.

If a Task or Assessment assigned to students has been deleted, any data for this piece of work will be removed from student reporting in the Insights tab. Retrieving it brings it right back.