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Wonde and Education Perfect FAQ

Once your school has been set up, user accounts and classes in EP will be managed by your SMS/SIS via

Note: EP’s Wonde integration is currently unavailable for schools located in Canada.

Is there any cost associated with setting up a Wonde integration?

No, the integration is completely free!

Which SMS/SIS can Wonde integrate with?

  • Synergetic
  • TASS (this integration may not be suitable if subject codes are shared across year levels. See below for more info)
  • Double First, Engage
  • Sentral
  • Sentral LISS
  • PCSchool
  • Civica
  • Daymap
  • Simon
  • EDGE
  • Edumate API
  • SIMS
  • Veracross
  • Engage API

If your school’s SMS/SIS isn’t listed above, please reach out to us as we may still be able to integrate with your system.

At this time, our Wonde Integration does not work in Queensland Government Schools. Upon Department of Education approval, we will be able to provide these schools with our new Wonde user provisioning solution.

What will change?

  • Student and teacher profile details will not be editable in EP. Changes made in your school SMS/SIS will instead be reflected on EP. 
  • User passwords are still managed by EP (unless your school uses Single Sign On), and teacher and student passwords can be reset at any time via existing methods.

What if my student or class details are incorrect?

If you encounter any details on EP that you know to be incorrect, they must be changed in your school’s SMS/SIS in order to flow through to EP. 

Contact your school IT Administrator to update the details at the school level, and then these alterations will flow through to EP in the next Wonde Sync.

This excludes class names: teachers are still able to edit Wonde class names, to help differentiate between similarly named classes. After editing, any future syncs will not affect the edited class’ name. Click the pencil icon to edit the class name.

How often are details synced?

Wonde syncs between your school and EP are automatic and occur overnight each day.

How can we sync more year levels or subjects?

Our Enrolment Team configures your integration based on your EP subscription. If you would like to add additional classes through Wonde that do not currently exist in EP, please reach out to your dedicated EP contact and they’ll be able to assist further.

Unsure who to contact? Contact us here and we’ll direct you further!

A note on year levels and subjects:

The integration is currently set up to sync across classes at a subject level. If your school is using broad subject categories that span multiple year levels, some issues could arise when importing those classes. We’ve found that this set up is common for schools using TASS.

Example: If your school has a broad Science subject set up within their SMS/SIS that spans all year levels, but are subscribing to EP for Year 7-10 Science, all classes would be brought across within the Science subject.

If this is how the subjects at your school are set up, they’ll need to be updated per year level (e.g. 07SCI rather than SCI).

If that’s not possible, or you’re unsure if Wonde is suitable, please contact us for further support.

Parent emails aren’t syncing across to EP?

We no longer support the syncing of parent emails over to EP. Even if a parent email is manually added, it will get removed in the next automatic daily sync. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience this causes, and suggest teachers let parents know this, and offer updates as available via their student’s Usage Report.

Can we choose to exclude some students?

Yes! Once set up, you can use Wonde’s Access Controls to specify which students should not be synced with EP. Instructions for this can be found in our guide here.

Can Wonde sync from a custom timetable or view?

Wonde is currently unable to sync data from a custom timetable or view within any SMS/SIS. If this is set up at your end, we are not able to reflect this via the automated Wonde sync.

What happens once classes are synced?

Once everything is up and running, you’ll see your classes appear within the Classes tab in EP.

The last step is to ensure that a Year Level is assigned to each class. Click Edit to assign a year level to ensure correct access is granted.

Where can I find Privacy & Security information about Wonde?

Wonde is a trusted company that ensures the transit of your school data to EP is encrypted. They are ISO 27001 certified and host all data in Australia on AWS.

You can find Wonde’s security documentation on their website here.

If you have any specific questions about Wonde’s Privacy & Security policies, please reach out to their team directly.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 (0)2 8310 4489

Sounds good! How do we get started? 

  1. First, contact our support team to request that you are connected. Wonde will then send you an invitation. 
  2. Once you have received the email invitation, you then need to create an account for your school and review and approve the connection request for EP. Follow the steps in this guide.
  3. Once everything is approved, EP is notified that the connection is live and ready to start syncing. If there are any issues with data, Wonde will contact you directly.

The integration setup process must be completed by someone who has the authority to approve access to school data.