Education Perfect provides great insight into your students’ learning. Our in depth Student Usage Report gives you the ability to track individual student progress and identify key strengths and improvement areas. This information is valuable for parent-teacher interviews and can be included in student reports.
Class Report
Open Insights from your dashboard and click the Class Report option.

Filter to the class(es), subject(s), and time frame you would like to view.

Scroll down to Student Engagement. Here you can see an overview of each student’s engagement with EP.
Click on a student’s name to see their individual usage report. You can see how many times the student has logged in, how many activities they have completed, and how many questions they have answered.

Time Spent only counts time spent actively working on content on EP. Any time spent browsing the platform is not counted here.
Recent Activity shows what your student has been working on recently. You can see how recently they were working on the activity and how much time they spent on each activity. You can Export this information too.

Tasks shows how your students have engaged with assigned Tasks. View completion progress and click into the Task’s title to see more details.
Assessments shows how your students have engaged with assigned Assessments. You can see student grades for each assessment that has been set and see more information by clicking into the title.
Click Export on any table to save the data in a spreadsheet.

Task Completion Report and Assessment Report
The Task Completion Report and Assessment Report features can also help capture trends in student performance.
Click into Task Completion Report when viewing the Insights tab.

Here you’ll see a summary of all Tasks your students have attempted or completed as well as their average accuracy. Update the filters at the top of the page to view data for specific classes or time frames, and export the data by selecting Export.

To view the Assessment Report for your students, click Assessment Results from the Insights tab.

Here you’ll see a summary of how many Assessments your students have attempted as well as their scores. Update the filters at the top of the page to view data for specific classes or time frames, and export the data by selecting Export.

For more information on how you can use the Task Completion Report and Assessment Report features, see How can I see a summary for all tasks and assessments I’ve assigned my students?