Use the Recommended Tasks feature to easily differentiate and support students with individualised learning pathways. Let’s explore!
What are Recommended Tasks?
Recommended Tasks are a built-in feature of EP Assessments that automatically identifies improvement areas based on a student’s performance, and can automatically (or manually) assign follow up work.
This allows you to easily differentiate and support students with individualised learning pathways.
How are recommendations selected?
Automatic recommendations will be assigned to students based on how they performed in specific questions.
If a student performs below the set threshold, they’ll be assigned recommendations consisting of lessons linked to the related Analysis Tag. The recommendation threshold defaults to 70%, but this can be adjusted when setting up the Assessment (for Quizzes only) or when building or editing a Pre-built Assessment.
If you’re creating your own content, learn how to set up and edit Analysis Tags, related content, and the recommendation threshold here.
For manual recommendations, you have control over what’s assigned. See our detailed guide here.
When limiting the number of recommendations, EP will automatically assign areas (where a student scored under the threshold) based on the order that they are laid out within the folder in the Content Library. This overrides other sections that may have lower scores.
How can I use Recommended Tasks on EP?
Recommended Task settings are controlled when initially setting an Assessment up. Start by navigating to the Assessments tab and clicking Assign Assessment.
Choose out of the Assessment types:
- Quiz: These are comprised of quiz questions from existing Smart Lessons in the Content Library, and will allow for Recommended Tasks.
- Pre-built Assessments: Most EP-built Assessments have Recommended Tasks built in, or functionality is added when creating a custom assessment.

Getting set up
When assigning an Assessment, a section for Recommended next steps appears in the Assign a new Assessment flow. Here, choose your settings.
Assessments default to Automatically assign recommendations as a task, but you can untick this. If you switch the setting off, you can always assign recommendations manually after the Assessment is complete.
When enabled, you can select which date you want the Recommended Tasks to be due, and you’ll be shown an indication of how much work students could be assigned. Tick Limit the amount of work that will be assigned as remediation to select the maximum amount of work students can receive!

Check what recommendations have been assigned
Recommendations will be assigned as soon as the Assessment has been completed, marked, and released to students (if the assessment is auto-marked, this will happen immediately).
Once assigned, navigate to the Tasks tab to see what’s been set. You’ll know which Tasks are recommendations by the green note on the tile.

Click into the Task to check progress.
Adjusting recommendations
Once recommendations have been assigned, you are unable to reassign new ones via the Assessment’s Analysis tab. For full control over what’s assigned, we recommend using the manual method.
Another option is to make a copy of the Recommendation Task, and adjust it as required. This won’t give you quite as much control over individual work assigned but can be a helpful solution in a pinch.
Analysis Tags
Analysis Tags are essential to the use of Recommended Tasks. Tags are used to label specific questions (or sections) in a Pre-built or Custom-built Assessment.
Using Analysis Tags has two main benefits:
- Tagged categories will give you categorised results once the Assessment has been completed by students. View this in the Analysis tab.
- Tags can be linked to specific lessons on EP, which allows the platform to identify what content to recommend if a student needs to improve in that area.
If you’ve already assigned a Custom-built Assessment, you can add Analysis Tags retrospectively using the Limited Exam Editor. Then, results for those categories will appear in the Analysis tab!
Why won’t it work?
- Not all existing Pre-built Assessments have analysis tags assigned and content linked! If the settings for Recommended Tasks don’t show up when setting the Assessment, this indicates that the feature is not available for that content.
- Recommended Tasks are only available for Assessments, not Tasks.
Will students be notified about Recommended Tasks?
For automatic assignment, emails are automatically enabled (so students will receive an email notification if we have their email, as well as an in-app notification).
If you manually assign recommendations, you can choose whether or not students are emailed.

Can I add Analysis Tags after an Assessment has been assigned?
Yes! You can adjust Analysis Tags for Custom-built Assessments using the Limited Exam Editor.
You are unable to adjust the lessons linked to those tags in the Limited Exam Editor, however.
If I delete an assessment, will Recommended Tasks stay assigned?
Yes! If you want to delete Recommended Tasks as well, you’ll need to delete them separately.
Are Recommended Tasks set to Learning or Revision mode?
Recommended Tasks automatically default to Revision Mode, however, if you select
manual assignment, you will be able to choose between the two.
How can I make sure Recommended Tasks for lists are in a specific Learning Mode (listening, reading, writing)?
Currently, you are unable to do this. If recommendations are assigned for a List-based test, the recommendations will cover all modes. We suggest assigning our Smart Lesson based content as a Quiz to ensure that the correct type of content is recommended.
Reach out to our team with any questions, and we’ll assist you further.